I found a book I want in the catalog. Can I place a hold on it?
Yes! If you have not already signed in with your PFW credentials, you will need to do so. To do this, click on the Sign in link on the gold ribbon at the top of your results list or in the middle of the page for the book you want.
Choose Mastodon Card Holder if you are student, staff, or faculty at Purdue Fort Wayne and Guest User if you are not, and log in with your proper credentials.
Once logged in, navigate back to the book you would like to place on hold. Click on Request Hold in the Request Options in the middle of the page.
On the pop-up box choose Hold for Request Type.
Skip Material Type and Terms of Use – These are optional.
Choose Purdue Fort Wayne Library under Pick-up Location. Faculty and staff can choose Work Address to have a book delivered to their office via campus mail.
Not Needed After and Comment are also optional.
Click on Send Request in the lower right hand corner.
If you are picking this up at the Library Service Desk, you will receive an email when it has been pulled and placed on the Hold Shelf. Faculty and staff, if you request office delivery, you will receive an email saying the book has been checked out to you when it is pulled and put in campus mail.