How can I find out if the Library owns the book I need?
Go to the Library webpage .
In the search box near the top of page click on the Catalog tab.
Type the title of your book in the search box and click on the magnifying glass at the right end of the search box. You will get a list of online and physical copies owned by the library.
If you get a lot of results and your book doesn’t appear on the first page of your results, do an advanced search. Click on the Advanced Search button at the right end of the search bar.
On the top line, change All Fields to Title using the drop box and put the title in the search box if it isn’t already there.
On the second line, change All Fields to Author/Creator and type the Author's last name in the search box. Then click on Search in the lower right hand corner of the box.
For example, if you are looking for Working by Studs Terkel and you just search for Working, you get over 19,000 results and the online version of the book is number 76 in the list. The physical copy is even further down the list. If you use the advanced search and search for Working (in the title field) and Terkel (in the author/creator field), you get only the online and physical titles of the book you want.
If you wish to stay with the simple search, try searching for the author. When I search for Studs Terkel, I get only 32 results. Both versions of the book I want are on the first page.