Is the library open to the public?


Yes!  You are welcome to come to the library to study, do research, or check out books. There are areas reserved for quiet study on the third and fourth floors. There is a guest computer across from the elevators on the first floor that will allow you access to the internet and most of our databases. If you wish to bring your own laptop, you will need to go to the IT Services Help Desk in Kettler Hall, Room 206 to get a Wi-Fi guest username and password before coming to the library. Help Desk hours can be found at

Indiana residents can check out up to 10 books at a time. Please bring two forms of identification with your current address to the Service Desk on the first floor of the library to get a library card. One must be an official photo ID (like a driver’s license or a state ID card). Daily or semester library hours can be found on the library webpage at The hours are subject to change, so be sure to check the hours before coming to the Library.


  • Last Updated Aug 23, 2024
  • Views 152
  • Answered By Debra Haley

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