May I borrow books from other libraries?


Yes! Purdue Fort Wayne students, faculty, and staff can request books from other Purdue campuses through a library search set to find items in "PurdueBorrow and Everything".  Sign In and you'll see request options for available items.

Use WorldCat and our Document Delivery Services to request items from other libraries nationwide. Simply use the Request this Item Through Document Delivery button.  You may be prompted for your university login.  A video demo is available of this process. 

If you would like borrowing privileges for another library, visit the Library service desk and request an ALI Reciprocal Borrower's Card. This card allows you to check out books from these libraries. Circulation policies of the lending library apply to any books you borrow with your ALI card.

  • Last Updated Apr 20, 2022
  • Views 198
  • Answered By Shannon

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